Your product/s will be shipped after receiving full payment. Shipping and handling are free for all domestic and international orders.
Shipping can typically take up to 5-21 business days. If you don't receive your product after this, please contact us.
We take great care to ensure you receive the right, top-quality product.
However, in the rare instance where things don't go as planned, we'll offer a money-back guarantee. The money-back guarantee is on the terms that the product that was shipped to you is incorrect or has signs of defects. The money-back guarantee is also subject to the condition that the product must not show signs of misuse reasonably deemed to have been caused by the buyer.
As a standard procedure, the product will be inspected for the potential damage or inappropriate use caused by the user and if deemed reasonable, we would be more than happy to offer a full refund or ship another product of the equivalent value. In addition to these conditions, the buyer will also be liable to all shipping costs involved in the return and/or refund.